OWSA General Meeting on Wednesday, September 8, 2021
Published 9:42pm on 30 Aug 2021

Please welcome Captain Mary Schuck, to be our knowledgeable speaker for our September 8th meeting. Her bio follows:

Mary has been sailing the Columbia River for over 48 years and holds a Master 50 Ton CG (Coast Guard) License. After retiring from the United Parcel Service, she joined the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary and currently holds the office of Vice Flotilla Commander. Mary is involved in public education, marine safety and teaches basic boating, sailing, docking and navigation.
Captain Mary's topic for the September meeting will be:
America's Waterway Watch: See flyer attachment at the bottom of this page.
The meeting will start promptly at 6:30pm as Mary has only a short time to be with us. After her presentation, we will continue our discussion on safety and share experiences on best
practices, near misses and safety concerns.
Please plan to attend and feel free to bring guests too.
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