A Visit from St. Nickie

Published 12:32pm on 27 Dec 2024
Alice Patten created this great poem for our Christmas Party as part of the gift exchange ... what at a fun event. Here is the verse for all to enjoy. Thank you Alice.
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the PORT,
Not a sailboat was stirring, not a long one nor short.
The halyards were tied so they wouldnt be clanking,
Nothing was loose so it didnt need yanking.
The sailors were nestled, lee cloths for supPORT,
While dreaming of boat parts they hoped to imPORT.
When out on the dock there arose such a clatter,
I jumped off on STARBOARD to see what was the matter.
The moon, how it sparkled, a path on the water
Remembering OWSA, a mom and her daughter,
Thirty years full of history are not LEFT behind
We celebrate all as we keep them in mind.
I looked to my LEFT and I looked to might RIGHT,
When ALOFT there appeared an incredible sight:
A miniature boat with tiny reindeer
That trimmed all the sails while approaching the pier.
The driver, I saw, was so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be a chick!
With supPORT for all women who just want to sail,
No longer afraid, theyre now free to exhale.
Half the Board had LEFT OWSA, leaving lots to sort out,
So we switched up procedures by coming about.
More rapid than eagles, our new leaders came,
We whistled and shouted, and called them by name;
Now Julie now Robin - now Lisa and Carolyn!
On Sarah, Janiece - Kristin, Kate, Candice, Kathy!
To the TOP of the deck, to the TOP of the mast,
With our STAR BOARD in place, we knew OWSA would last!
It was then in a twinkling I heard sleigh bells jingle
They were draping each sail from cringle to cringle.
The boat, slightly heeling to PORT, UP ABOVE,
Was filled to the brim and glowing with love.
DOWN the mast came St. Nickie who went DOWN BELOW;
I followed to see what she had to bestow
She was dressed RIGHT in Gortex from her foot to her head
As a sailor, I knew I had nothing to dread.
She spoke not a word, but went RIGHT work,
She filled nooks and crannies, then turned LEFT with a jerk,
And laying a finger aside of her nose
And giving a nod, UP the rigging she rose;
She leapt LEFT to her boat, to her team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard her exclaim, as she drove to the RIGHT,
Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!