The Association

Organized in 1994 by local women sailors, OWSA promotes opportunities for women to learn sailing through education and practical experience. OWSA turned 25 years old in 2019 and we are excited to carry on the tradition of promoting opportunities for women to sail in Oregon and SW Washington. Our members are business owners, artists, managers, lawyers, clerks, stay-at-home moms, writers and educators — name a profession, talent, or interest, and you will find an OWSA member in that field. Our members have all levels of sailing experience, from no experience to experts. Joining OWSA gives you access to sailing opportunities throughout the Northwest. At any given time we also have friends and members out sailing the deep blue, blogging, posting and sharing their adventures with us here on the Columbia.
OWSA welcomes those who identify as women regardless of assignment at birth. OWSA also welcomes people who identify as non-binary or gender non-conforming and want to be in a female-centered environment.
The Oregon Women's Sailing Association (OWSA) is an all volunteer 501 c 3. Our organization is comprised of volunteers willing to devote time and energy to oversee the operation of OWSA. In addition to the board of directors, OWSA is fortunate to have a host of volunteers who act as program chairs coordinating our educational opportunities, activities and events. We are always looking to the future to improve our educational offerings and calendar of events to enhance the experience of our members.
There are a myriad of opportunities to become involved as a volunteer for OWSA. Opportunities range in duration from a couple of hours assisting with a program to chairing a program. For more information about how to get involved, check out our volunteer opportunities page or contact any of our Board members.
The Board is made up of five Flag Officer positions (Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Secretary, and Treasurer) and the remaining board members are Directors who also have program responsibilities, including but not limited to Education, Programs, Marketing/Fundraising, Membership/Social, Technology/Operations.