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Home / Events / Sysco Race Committee Boat Volunteer
Home / Events / Sysco Race Committee Boat Volunteer

Sysco Race Committee Boat Volunteer

18th April - 8 September 2023, 12:00pm

Small Yacht Sailing Club of Oregon, SYSCO, is providing OWSA members an opportunity to volunteer on the Race Committee (RC) boat through the upcoming racing season.  If you have experience, make sure to share that information when you sign up to volunteer.  No experience is "required" and training can be provided on the RC boat.  If you don't have any experience, please review the information below before you go out on the Race Committee boat.  Volunteers will be selected for specific races by SYSCO based on a first come sign up basis.  Volunteers will be given specific instructions on when to be at the dock, the location of the RC boat and any other information needed.  Generally, the boat leaves the dock between 5:00 - 5:15 pm from a marina either on Marine Drive or Tomahawk Island and is out on the river until the last boat finishes the race on Tuesday and Thursday night, usually around 8-8:30.  This is a great way to meet sailors, be on a boat surrounded by sailboats racing, to support the sailing community and learn about the roles of the crew on the committee boat who manage the race.  The spring race series starts on April 18th and racing is every Tuesday night and Thursday night through August. You will be contacted by the Sysco Race Captain, Denny Damore or a Fleet Captain to schedule your time on the Race Committee Boat.  If you have any questions about this opportunity, contact Shancy at

General Resources:
2023 Race Clinic Presentation
Racing Schedule

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