PYC Sailors Dinner -- Sign up today!!!

INVITATION: Everyone is invited! This year invite some non-sailing friends, neighbors, and relatives to share in the fun and tall tales. Dont forget to remind the rest of your crew!
DESCRIPTION: This is the Friday night before the PYC Opening Day Regatta which will be on Sunday, April 14th. A great way to get back in touch with the racing community after the much too long and much too cold winter season. The program will include the presentation of the PYC perpetual sailors awards and entertainment.
DATE AND TIMES: Friday, April 12, cocktails start at 5:00, dinner is served at 6:00, and awards are at 6:30 pm, Band starts at 7:30 - 9:30 pm.
RESERVATIONS: Make your reservations early. The deadline is Monday, April 8th by 5 pm. PYC members may call the PYC reservation line. Non-PYC members may register by calling PYC at 503-285-1922 or send in your reservation with a check payable to:
Portland Yacht Club, Attn: Sailors Dinner 1241 NE Marine Drive Portland, OR 97211
FEE: $45
INFORMATION: For more information contact the PYC office by phone at 503-285-1922 or email