OWSA Women's Regatta
INVITATION: All women sailors are invited to the OWSA Womens Regatta presented by Oregon Womens Sailing Association (OWSA) on the Columbia River between I-5 and I-205 bridges. DESCRIPTION: Competitive women sailors pit their racing skills against one another in this one-day regatta with up to three races scheduled.
ELIGIBILITY AND INSTRUCTIONS: All entrants and crew must be women. Skippers must be members of a PIYA recognized club, OCSA, or OWSA. The regatta will be governed by the Racing Rules of Sailing and the OCSA General Sailing Instructions. Any unregistered boat is ineligible to race.
DATE AND TIME: Monday, June 27. The first warning signal is at 6:30 pm. Additional races may begin shortly after all boats in an individual class have finished.
REGISTRATION: Women participating in the OWSA Race Clinic are pre registered. All others register here: in the "Tickets" section at the bottom of this page, click on the Select... button and follow the on-screen directions to complete your registration and payment. Registration deadline is June 22nd.
FEES: No fee for OWSA Race Clinic participants. All others, $30/boat. Skippers will ensure they have full crew.
CLASS DIVISIONS: Class divisions will be posted on the www.sailpdx.org website under the racing tab, OWSA Womens Regatta, Notice Board.
COURSES: The OCSA General Sailing Instructions and Courses will be used.
INFORMATION: Contact the OWSA Race Captain at racing@owsa.net
END OF NOTICE OF RACE The Official Notice of Race is on the Sail PDX Notice Board